Kenneth Barber & Associates, LLC - Attorneys At Law | Disclaimer
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These materials have been prepared by Kenneth Barber & Associates, LLC for information purposes only and are not intended to and do not constitute legal advice. Transmission, receipt and use of the information is not intended to and will not create an attorney-client relationship between sender and receiver. This information should not be relied upon without first obtaining the advice of attorney’s knowledgeable about your facts and circumstances. These web pages are not intended to serve as advertising, and Kenneth Barber & Associates, LLC neither seeks to represent anyone in any matter outside of the areas in which its attorneys are licensed, nor to represent any persons or companies in a state where this web site does not comply with all applicable laws and ethical rules.

We, at Kenneth Barber & Associates, LLC, are Connecticut lawyers. Unless otherwise noted, all references on this site are to Connecticut law. The law of the other jurisdictions may differ. If you and your case have no connection to Connecticut, you may wish to contact an attorney in that jurisdiction. If your case has some connection to Connecticut, as well as some connection to another state, a choice-of-law analysis would be required to determine what law applies. In that event, you may wish to contact an attorney in one or more of the involved jurisdictions. Again, even if all contacts are with Connecticut, and all parties are from Connecticut, you should speak with an attorney to evaluate your rights under Connecticut law.

No attorney-client relationship shall be formed based upon viewing pages on this web site or by contacting Kenneth Barber & Associates, LLC. An attorney-client relationship may be formed only when the client has signed a written contract for legal representation by Kenneth Barber & Associates, LLC.

If you would like to consult with us on a legal matter within our areas of practice, please telephone us. We can briefly discuss your case. If we conclude that it merits further review, we can then discuss it in the privacy of our office. If you need immediate assistance of any kind, it is imperative that you call the law firm and speak to one if its lawyers.

By: Kenneth Barber, Esq.